Just as we greet guests who come to our homes and make them feel welcome by tending to their needs, our hospitality ministers make members of the assembly feel welcome and comfortable as they gather each weekend.
What to expect: Ministry Details
We rely on the dedication and care of our ushers and greeters. They are the face of our parish to those who enter our doors.
Roles in this ministry:
Wedding Coordinators (new)
Before Mass (Greeters)
Greeters are asked to arrive 20 minutes before Mass. These ministers are on hand to:
Greet people as they arrive, hold the doors (main entrance and east entrance (by the piano)
Help those with mobility issues (especially at the east entrance)
Handout worship aids when we have them
Escort people with mobility issues to their seats
During Mass (Ushers)
Ushers attend to the liturgy while remaining alert to the needs of the people:
Assist with the collection
Serve as pew ushers for the Communion Procession
Help anyone in need during Mass, especially with medical emergencies
After Mass (Ushers & Greeters)
Hospitality Ministers send people on their way with a friendly invitation to return.
Help those with mobility issues to their cars, especially at the east entrance
Help the ushers with bulletins, worship aids, and straightening pews
Distribute bulletins
Collect worship aids
Collect any lost items or trash
Help straighten up the pews
Wedding Coordinators
Our wedding coordinators help with details in the church building before and during wedding liturgies. Coordinators attend to the needs of the families, help with the procession, and also help tidy before and after the nuptial liturgy.
Sign up to serve
If you would like to serve, you can sign up conveniently online, on paper, or by contacting Andrew Skiff at the email below.