For those parishioners whose situations do not allow for them to attend Mass in person, we recommend the following resources:
10:30 am: WNDU 16 | Comcast 8 | DirecTV 16 | Dish 16
Daily Mass from EWTN
Monday – Friday at 8am, noon, and 7pm
Stream daily Mass online here or watch on your local cable/satellite provider.
Daily Mass can be found on-demand here.
If you are a homebound parishioner, or are unable to travel for whatever reason and would like to receive Holy Communion or Confession, please contact the Parish Office at 574-282-2308 so that you can be added to our visitation list.
Masses for Holy Days are celebrated at a 5:30pm Vigil the evening before the Holy Day, and at 8:15am and 5:30pm on the Holy Day unless otherwise indicated. Please check the bulletin to verify times.
The holy day of obligation is suspended in the USA when the solemnity falls on a Saturday or Monday.
Every Sunday throughout the year is a Holy Day of Obligation.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
5:15pm Vigil, 8:15am, and 5:30pm
Solemnity of All Saints
5:30pm Vigil, 8:15am, and 5:30pm
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
5:30pm Vigil (Dec. 7), 8:15am, and 5:30pm
The Nativity of Our Lord
Christmas Eve Mass: 4:00pm and 8:00pm
Christmas Day Mass: 10:00am
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
5:30pm Vigil Mass on December 31
8:15am, 5:30pm Masses on January 1
The Ascension of the Lord
4:15pm Vigil, 8:15am, and 10:30am
We will celebrate Masses for the Nativity of the Lord on Christmas Eve at 4:00pm & 8:00pm and on Christmas Day at 10:00am. Incense will be used at Christmas Day Mass.
Christmas Season Info
We celebrate Mass for the Resurrection of the Lord at 8:15am and 10:30am on Easter Sunday. The Easter Vigil begins at 9:00pm on the front steps of the church on Holy Saturday.
Divine Mercy Sunday is on the Sunday after Easter. Masses are celebrated at 4:15pm on Saturday and 8:15 & 10:30am on Sunday.
Easter Season Info