The life of the body is the soul; the life of the soul is God.
-St. Anthony de Padua
Parish Life Ministries are dedicated to building up the St. Anthony church and school community by fostering fellowship, encouraging prayer and faith sharing, and supporting parish and school initiatives. From HASA and annual church and school events to our new Men's and Senior Fellowship Groups, Parish Life Ministries help us support each other and keep our community vibrant.
We invite you to prayerfully consider how you might get involved in the life of St. Anthony Parish.
To nurture a spirit of hospitality and fellowship, donuts and beverages are served following morning Masses on the first and third Sundays of each month. You can get involved in set-up or clean-up for Donut Sunday!
The Women’s Ministry is dedicated to nurturing strong Christian women in their faith and every-day lives. Visit our page to learn when we meet!
St. Anthony is forming a men's group for guys of all ages to get together, enjoy good food and drinks, talk, watch games, pray, and get to know each other. Visit the men's group page to get on the email list!
The Senior Fellowship Group meets once a month in the Church Meeting Room for lunch and social time. Call the parish office for more information.
We stand firmly on God’s promises that when we call Him, He will answer (Isaiah 65:24). In spiritual unity our prayer team is available to intercede on your behalf and take your request before God. You can volunteer to be on the Prayer Chain team by signing up on the ministry forms.
The St. Anthony de Padua Home and School Association (HASA) is our school’s “PTA.” HASA volunteers work to create a vibrant, warm, and welcoming community at St. Anthony de Padua Catholic School by coordinating community events, teacher appreciation initiatives, school celebrations, and fundraisers. Learn more about our amazing HASA Team.
Serve as a classroom parent for your child's (or another's) homeroom. Room parents help with class celebrations and activities each year and keep in touch with all parents to make these fun things happen for our students and teachers.
We always need help covering lunch and recess at school. If you are free during the day and like to spend time with kids, please consider serving in this way.
Come help in the cozy library! We need volunteers to help in the library by reading to our student (Pre-K through 5th) and helping them checkout books. We also need a little help with reshelving books and with small clerical projects for teachers (copying, laminating, etc.).
Our youngest Panthers love to have visitors come to the classroom to read stories! This is a quick and easy way for parents, grandparents, or parishioners to get involved in the life of our school.
Are you artistic, love to organize, or beautify? We would love to put you to work on various projects from time to time, such as updating school bulletin boards, organizing storage spaces, or refreshing decorations in the teachers’ lounge.
We are always short on coaches, and our students love to play these sports! Please consider coaching during one of the ICCL or Panther Intramural seasons.
Saying goodbye to your kiddos after summer break can be hard (or just what you need!), so we are here to celebrate or hand over tissues as parents drop off their kids for the first day of school. You can sign up to help organize the morning with food and drinks.
The generous hearts on the HASA team work hard to care for our incredible teachers who give so much of themselves all year. You can help by bringing yummy and nutritious items to stock the teacher's lounge once a month. Sign up to be on the volunteer list.
Help provide grab and go snacks and meals for teachers to enjoy while they are staying longer over parent-teacher conference days each October. Our team plans the menu, selects the restaurants, and sets the snacks up in the lounge.
We need a coordinator and volunteers to help with this annual fundraiser and Christmas Gift go-to!
Help HASA with one of their most important fundraiser of the year. We need help managing the online forms, selling and filling ticket orders, and organizing the carline and Mass sales. Tickets go on sale for two weeks in the fall.
This fun filled night is full of treats (no tricks!), dancing, and music! Be on the planning team, help decorate the gym, or organize the DJ and snacks for everyone to enjoy. This event happens before Halloween each year.
Be a cheery elf and surprise our students. The night before St. Nicholas' feast day, our helper elves buy candycanes and stealthily place them on all students' desks. Come join the sneaky fun! And we can always use a head elf to coordinate.
This is a beautiful afternoon when we treat our hard working faculty and staff to a delicious and festive meal together. Be on the planning team to organize coverage for recess and lunch for each class, coordinate the meal, and decorate the event space to make it extra special. The Christmas Luncheon typically takes place the week before Christmas break.
What a “sweet” event to help with! Lolligrams (heart shaped lollis) are sold for $1. We need helpers to fill orders as they are paid for and hand out on Valentine’s Day to students.
For our beloved Scholastic Book Fair to be a reality, we are in need of volunteers to help with setup, sales, and cleanup over a few days in the spring.
We can’t celebrate the faculty and staff enough! This is a fun filled week marked with daily themes to honor all those in the school building. HASA provides a sit down lunch during the lunch break. Sign up to lead or help with this ministry: We need volunteers to plan and coordinate festivities and cover recess/lunch duties so our teachers have a full hour to sit back and relax!
School's out for the summer! But before the final bell rings, we have to plan a great send-off. Volunteers are needed to help the PE teacher run stations for each event. It's a super fun way to spend time with the students on their last day and enjoy the summery sunshine.
This ministry helps organize the celebration of our patron, St. Anthony. Volunteers are needed to help coordinate and organize the events for our parish and wider community. The Saint Anthony Feast Day Celebration is held on or near June 13th, the Feast of Saint Anthony de Padua. You can sign up to help with this event.
HASA hosts this amazingly fun adult community event hold each year to cheer on the Irish (or risk your life cheering against them) while they play away. Be on the planning team! We scout out a local restaurant/pub to host the event (that's the fun part of planning), sell and fill ticket orders, and promote the event in the church and school.
The annual Spaghetti Dinner raises funds St. Anthony 8th Graders' end of the year activities, Mass, and graduation. Many many volunteers are needed to plan this important event, sell tickets, cook, setup, serve, and clean up.
This annual community event brings the entire neighborhood together in a festive atmosphere. Be a part of the St. Anthony tradition by serving on the planning team.
We are excited to host a special pancake breakfast to celebrate the Feast of Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra. Sponsored by our Knights of Columbus Council, guests will enjoy breakfast, a photo opportunity with the Bishop of Myra himself, crafts, a cookie sale, and hot chocolate.
This is a beautiful week of celebration and gratitude for Catholic Schools celebrated across the country! Help plan daily events that coincide with the CSW calendar and themes. This is always the last week of January and begins with Open House after the 10:30 Mass on Sunday.
We host the best trivia night in town! The questions are clever, the venue is comfortable, and the atmosphere is really festive. Hosted by HASA each January to help raise funds for school needs, we can always use a little help with planning, writing trivia questions, setting up, scoring, and cleaning up.
The Jonah Fish Fry is a Lent tradition at St. Anthony. Volunteers work to provide a delicious dinner with fish, fried on site, for dine-in or carry-out. You can sign up to lead or help with this event.
The St. Anthony community signs up to join the South Bend festivities to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! We need help organizing groups to walk in the parade, collecting candy to pass out along the route, and coordinating goodies, swag, and signs. You can sign up to lead or help with this event.
We hope to bring this annual fundraiser back to St. Anthony. If you're interested in coordinating or volunteering, please be sure to sign up. Beautiful pieces are made by the classes each year that become keepsakes for the lucky families who win them!
This new event started in 2020 to celebrate the glorious Resurrection of the Lord by giving kids a sugar high after Mass! Be on the team to plan the event, stuff, and hide eggs on Easter Sunday. It's the most adorable 30 minutes you'll spend this spring!
The Annual Bishop’s Appeal is held in the fall of each year to help raise funds for diocesan needs such as education, charities, evangelization, and pastoral assistance. Every dollar that goes over our given goal comes back to St. Anthony to address necessary improvements. We rely on volunteers to help promote and process the pledges. More details.
We need friendly people to greet visitors in the CMR (under the Bell Tower) during the day and also help with clerical tasks, organization, copying, laminating, and other small tasks at the school.
If you didn't notice, Fr. Ben loves to build stuff. He also loves to demolish things and drive heavy machinery in the process. If you like that kind of thing, too (or find yourself wearing a significant amount of plaid on any given day) sign up to be on our Building and Grounds Committee to assist with campus projects.
We have a gorgeous campus with so much greenspace! We need volunteers to take charge of our beautiful greenery and gardens, to tend, weed, and plan out flowers and freshening up each year. Sign up to lead or be a worker bee.
We rely on small groups of parishioners to count the parish collection every Sunday morning. Groups rotate on a monthly basis. This is an easy way to be a big help to our Business Manager, who has to count all the beans! Sign up if you are interested in helping.
If you have a talent for all things tech and want to help us with cords and wires, cameras and taping, we'd love it! Whether showing a video or recording an event or special liturgy, we always have AV needs.
Are you a shutterbug or good with a camera (especially in low church light)? Please sign up to volunteer your skills as a photographer. We often need help taking pictures at church and school events, special liturgies, and for our print and digital media/marketing.
St. Anthony Advisory Councils are appointed by the pastor, but we would love to know if you are interested in serving.
The pastor relies on the Pastoral Council's advice and direction in making critical decisions for the future of our parish and on matters of parish life. Parishioners ages high school and older serve on the council, which meets once a month. Learn more.
The Parish Finance Council advises the pastor on financial concerns of the church and school. The Finance Council reviews financial statements and helps prepare the annual budget. They also advise on larger expenditures, investments, campus projects, and fundraising initiatives. Learn more.
The St. Anthony de Padua School Advisory Board assists the Pastor and School Principal with the governance of St. Anthony de Padua Catholic School. Its mission is to provide advice and support on matters of Catholic character, development, marketing, planning, and policy for the success of the school and the greater good of the parish. Learn more.
If you are interested in any of these ministries, you can sign up online, on paper, or by contacting us.
Sign up here!