Charity is the soul of faith, makes it alive; without love, faith dies. (Saint Anthony de Padua)
Saint Anthony, our patron, had a heart for service, and we strive to imitate him by serving each other and our neighbors through robust programs like our amazing St. Vincent de Paul Society chapter, Legion of Mary and Right to Life Groups, the Knights of Columbus, our annual Advent Giving Tree and much, more.
This ministry provides personal presence, prayer, and the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist to parishioners who are homebound, sick, or residents of nursing homes or assisted living facilities. The lay ministers are trained and commissioned to assist in connecting those that cannot attend Mass with our faith community at St. Anthony de Padua Parish by bringing them Holy Communion following the Saturday Vigil or Sunday morning Masses.
Through prayer, education, example and action, the St. Anthony de Padua Respect Life Committee dedicates itself to promote the dignity of all human life according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The Respect Life Committee coordinates support of similar activities with parish, city, state & national promotions. Learn more.
These prayerfully made items are blessed and offered as a source of comfort to anyone during difficult times. Assembled by parishioners, fleece blankets are decorated with hearts and crosses and warmly comfort anyone in need of prayer for healing. Prayer shawls are knitted or crocheted by parishioners who offer prayers with every stitch. Blankets are available in the vestibule.
We'd like to bring the Funeral Luncheon Ministry back as it helps make a very difficult day a little easier for family and friends by providing a luncheon at St. Anthony de Padua Catholic Parish following the funeral of their loved one. This is truly a way to show the love of Jesus to others through our gifts of time and talent. Details.
The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church, with well over 3 million active members in almost every country of the world. It has been active in the United States since 1931 with the purpose of giving glory to God through the sanctification of its members.
The Legion of Mary participates in a balanced program of prayer and active community service together. More details.
Each Advent our parish collects gifts for families in need. Participating is easy and fun. Take a tag, purchase the gift on the tag, and return the wrapped gift (with the tag attached!) to the vestibule the next weekend. Volunteers are needed to help sort, organize, and distribute gifts.
Our parish St. Vincent de Paul Society Conference’s mission of charity is person to person contact in the form of home visits to those in need. We visit families to bring food assistance and information to help them with other physical and financial needs to promote self-sufficiency. We also make an effort to help them with their spiritual needs through prayer and invitation to our church. Vincentians meet on a monthly basis to promote a spirit of friendship and spiritual growth. Learn more.
Catholic Charities is the social service arm of the Church in our diocese. As a result, every service we provide is aligned with the Church’s teaching that all life is sacred from conception to natural death. St. Anthony would like someone to coordinate with Catholic Charities for parish outreach intiatives. Learn more.
Since 1947, the primary project of the Christ Child Society in South Bend has been to provide new winter clothing to economically disadvantaged children from newborn through age twelve without consideration of religion or ethnic factors. Run entirely by volunteers, our services include layettes, winter clothing for children, providing a book for a child and tutoring/mentoring. St. Anthony would like someone to coordinate with CCS for parish outreach intiatives including clothing and boot drives. Learn more.
Hannah’s House is a faith-based agency offering a continuum of stable housing, home life, staff support, and programming. Believing in the sanctity of life, we serve by providing guidance and direction for women and their unborn and newborn children. Hannah’s House offers a safe and secure multi-faceted program that challenges participants to reach their highest potential. St. Anthony would like someone to coordinate with Hannah's House for parish outreach intiatives including the annual Hannah's House Baby Shower. Learn more.
The Knights of Columbus focus is on charitable giving. St. Anthony de Padua Catholic Parish belongs to local Santa Maria Council #553 and is located on E. Washington Street in South Bend. Any male 18 years or older is welcome to join this Catholic fraternal group. Learn more.
Courage is a spiritual support group founded in 1980 to help Catholics who experience same-sex attraction to live holy lives. The apostolate also ministers to families. Learn more.
Catholic Marriage Enrichment in our area is part of the St. Pius X Parish ministries. The ministry consists of periodic activities that specifically focus on the marriage relationship. Our goal is to support and strengthen marriages by providing opportunities for married couples to continually grow into the Sacrament of Marriage after their wedding day. Learn more.
Project Rachel is a ministry offering hope and healing for all those who suffer from the pain of abortion and its aftermath. If you are hurting, know that your church cares and understands. God is loving and forgiving and in His name the Church reaches out to you with compassion and concern. Learn more.
Retrouvaille is an independent, Catholic program designed to help, heal and renew married couples who are drifting or who have drifted apart. The word "retrouvaille" simply means "rediscovery." The Retrouvaille program offers you the chance to rediscover yourself, your spouse and a loving relationship in your marriage. Learn more.
The Saint Augustine Men’s Group, with chapters in Fort Wayne and South Bend, seeks to free men from the shackles of pornography and sexual sin to live according to God’s plan of chastity. This Catholic lay apostolate gathers to support, encourage and pray for one another through a structure rooted in Catholic teaching. Learn more.
If you are interested in any of these ministries, you can sign up online, on paper, or by contacting us.
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